Saturday, June 2, 2007

Are you getting credit for your blog links?

Many Blog companies are installing shiney nofollow tags in your Blogs. What that means is by adding rel="nofollow" to a hyperlink, your Blog is saying to the spider do not look there. Additionally no credit will be given for the backlink. If you have done this in a reciprocol deal and the pull a C Class report and see you have a nofollow tag on their link, they are going to drop your like like a hot potato.The Blogs I use are Blogspot, I went into the page code and on all 3 of the blogs I care for I found 2 nofollow tags. The article I read said just to clear the tag, empty the quotes... But I decided to take it a step furthur. So I replaced them with the new rel="follow" tags! The word is this doubles the weight of the link, according to this report. So check your Blogs.... Fight back, blogs are daily work and we deserve the links. This was posted in News Blog.