Friday, June 15, 2007

Kentucky on Religion; Answers in Genesis?

It isn't every day you see something so incredibly stupid that you are just taken back by it. I got up this morning, secured my coffee and visited my favorite SEO forum. There in the break room was this as reported by the New York Times. Apparently some group called Answers in Genesis, and its president Ken Ham decided to hell with the rest of the Bible and the have interpreted Genesis to mean that evolution kinda occurred, but after creation the dinosaurs were there at the same time as Adam and Eve strolling in the garden. I don't mind a little intelligent debate on debatable issues, this one is lacking both intelligent and debatable in my opinion. I am Catholic, so my views are clearly religiously fairly structured. My grandmother is Apostolic and extremist, she does not even support this crazy notion, although she has some crazy ones of her own. I am not saying people cannot express their own thoughts on religion, but you cannot in good conscience profit from it, and call it a damn museum.

mu·se·um (myōō-zē'əm) Pronunciation
n. A building, place, or institution devoted to the
acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of
objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value.




Anonymous said...

Excellent article about this madness here: