Monday, June 18, 2007

Texas Protects is Children from Sex Offenders on MySpace

HOUSTON — Seven convicted sex offenders with profiles on have been arrested in what Texas officials said was the country's first large-scale crackdown of registered offenders who use the social networking Web site.

Let me start by saying I am all for this! I see little difference between visiting MySpace or a skating rink. Check out some helpful sexual offender facts here. Basically, they get to know their victims, they usually get away with their crimes, they are resistant to treatment, they re offend, and sex crimes are on the rise. Most sex offenders have to be subjected to these types of post judgement restrictions and reporting:

  1. They usually have to register their home address, works address, and sometimes even an address of significant other. Additionally they will be required to update it regularly.
  2. Keep any and all counseling, probation, and community service appointments.
  3. Continue physician ordered medication.
  4. Be available: self, home, automobile, and any other personal property for search at any time, with or without a warrant.
  5. Not allowed to posses illegal drugs or paraphernalia.
  6. Not allowed to partake in alcoholic beverages especially if it was a factor in the crime committed.
  7. Cannot live within certain distance of parks, school, playgrounds, etc.
  8. Cannot visit parks, playgrounds, or any other establishment "known" to cater to young children. For example a McDonalds with a playground could be deemed inappropriate.
  9. Many communities have their registries online with pictures and addresses.
  10. They are usually required to notify police of travel plans.

So as you can see, the Attorney General Greg Abbott of Texas is dead.....just without precedent. This is no different that a sex offender visiting a park or a library. I applaud Texas for their ingenuity and backbone in their quest to protect our children. Bravo!

